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HermeTech International


UltraPort HL7 Postmaster

UltraPort HL7 Postmaster


A real innovation in HL7 message transport and delivery systems! The features present in the HL7 Postmaster software are completely unique in the market and provides the HL7 interface professional with many different options for integration and implementation in literally minutes. Need assistance or guidance? No problem because our customer service team is always willing to help and support is free so don't hesitate to call.

UltraPort HL7 Postmaster Main Window

UltraPort HL7 Postmaster Main Window





For those who don't know what our HL7 Postmaster does, let us tell you. In its most basic form the purpose of an HL7 Postmaster is to move HL7 message data from one folder to another on the Windows file system based on (optional) rules based matching and filtering instructions and (optional) message transformation instructions. But this program does much, much more than that!  Ease of installation, configuration and use is our aim here at HermeTech. With the HL7 Postmaster we offer a unique HL7 message delivery product which you can install, configure and run in less than 15 minutes! You can integrate the HL7 Postmaster with ANY HL7 2.xx compliant product.




You can also find more information in the online help or the Postmaster product page in (note that this website is not designed for smart phones).


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See Free Stuff if you need a free light weight HL7 Viewer, HL7 TCP/IP Listener, or HL7 TCP/IP Sender for testing.


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