Short Term Licenses For HermeTech UltraPort Products

Starting in January 2016 we are now offering short term licenses for our most popular products listed below.

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UltraPort HL7 TCP/IP Listener UltraPort HL7 TCP/IP Router
Required Version 4.2 or higher! The UltraPort HL7 Listener products provide HL7 message 'Listening' capability for receiving HL7 messages over a TCP/IP connection. The short term license is the equivalent of a "5 Ports" Virtual Machine license. For more information about the UltraPort HL7 Listener refer to the home page or the online help. Links: Home Page, Online Help, Download, Purchase. Required Version 4.1 or higher! Send HL7 messages to other applications over a TCP/IP connection! The UltraPort HL7 TCP/IP Router can provide outbound TCP/IP communications by sending HL7 messages to a waiting HL7 'Listener'. The short term license is the equivalent of a Professional for VM license which allows for up to 25 outbound connections. For more information about the UltraPort HL7 Router refer to the home page or the online help. Links: Home Page, Online Help, Download, Purchase.
UltraPort HL7 Postmaster UltraPort MS SQL Schema Engine
Required Version 2.6 or higher! Filter, Clone, Transform HL7 message data with this easy-to-use HL7 system. Send and Receive HL7 over the internet! Intercept and manipulate existing HL7 feeds! Split 1 into many or consolidate many into 1! A uniquely useful and intuitive HL7 application to have in your arsenal! NEW for Version 2.6! Short Term licenses are now available. All short term licenses are the functional equivalent of an Enterprise for VM license! For more information about the UltraPort HL7 Postmaster refer to the home page or the online help. Links: Home Page, Online Help, Download, Purchase. Required Version 4.1 or higher! The Easy way to get your HL7 messages to and from a Microsoft SQL Server OR MySQL database (MySQL is new in version 4.2). Set up and configure in minutes and have an instant data warehouse of HL7 message data. Easily move data from the UltraPort SQL Schema into your own database tables. For more information about the UltraPort MS SQL Schema Engine refer to the home page or the online help. Links: Home Page, Online Help, Download, Purchase.
Retail Pricing for All Short Term Licenses:

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For a condensed summary of the EasyHL7 product range, see the Fact-sheet.